Oh wait - I see what happened with DJs math:
He went full retard.
if this has been covered before i apologise in advance.
using only the bible and a bit of common sense.. ok, here goes:.
do the "seventy years" count from jerusalems destruction or not?
Oh wait - I see what happened with DJs math:
He went full retard.
if this has been covered before i apologise in advance.
using only the bible and a bit of common sense.. ok, here goes:.
do the "seventy years" count from jerusalems destruction or not?
If I'm a lurking Jehovah's Witness and I read this type of thing from DJ:
"but I'm not like you or like most active Jehovah's Witnesses who [are stupid]" or this " Jehovah's Witnesses that are new and those that tend to memorize and do not really learn from the things they read, so that they are prone to forgetfulness, and those whose memories have begun to fail them as they have gotten older in years do seem tied to researching things that they ought to already know."
The only thing that "most active Jehovah's Witnesses" are thinking - 'is DJeggfart is a complete Douchebag'.
Seriously DJ - with trolls like you in JWs congregations, they don't need apostate opposers - you despise your brothers worse than any enemy Jesus ever warned about.
But please keep posting. Every post of yours helps lurking JWs leave the org faster than anything anybody else here can say. If I can ever get my family to read this site, your posts will be the first ones they read. You are the GB's worst nightmare. Nobody here hates Jehovah's Witnesses more than you.
What's it like to try and defend doctrines but hate the only people in the world who claim to believe them? It's so funny to skim your posts [I couldn't read much of it because I don't like to give much time to hate speech and all your cotempt for real Jehovah's Witnesses] because I can tell you're one of the most bitter human beings on the planet. Not only does your bitterness reflect self-loathing because you never got an education, but it's also obvious that nobody in any JW congregation respects you, and most likely you've been passed over as an MS/Elder for years and will always be that egotistical guy who thinks he's smarter than the elders. So you'll never be one. And that pisses you off - so you come here. And it makes us laugh - and makes JW lurkers see the truth of their organization and the kind of people that results from trying to be a real fanactical true believer - from all that pressure of fear and guilt.
For that we thank you -
For your lack of education and inability to communicate concisely - we too feel your pain. Please think of taking some English classes soon at your local community college - Hell, just audit a high school freshman English class for god's sake.
most jw.s really believe that they ( as we once did ) are promoting gods will, but what if they really are ?
is it possible that god is supporting them even though they (governing body ) lie, because most jw,s are ignorant of the lies told on their behalf, ?.
when i was a jw i got attacked by the demons bigtime, but not now, and i can only assume that they (demons ) are happy that i am no longer a jw and are now leaving me alone, cant think of any other reason, has god ever supported a group who were similarly found wanting ?.
I think the demons have just gotten lazier over the years - They only like to bug people through cheesy vampire movies now. All the experienced ones are just bored and the new ones ... well ....
discussions on evolution and creation are now completely resolved.
no further information on this forum will ever be needed.
so we can all move on.
Discussions on evolution and creation are now completely resolved. No further information on this forum will ever be needed. So we can all move on. Thank you and good night!
I would love for schools to try and teach intelligent design in science class - that would be hilarious. The kids would really come out smart and easily compete with all the Chinese in the global economy then.
i am now sitting at home.
my wife left with my little child.
my fault (i dislike the word "fault", but don't have a better one right now).. it feels strange, relieved and free, at the same time it was all very strange.
Moshe's 2-step plan for leaving the JWs - works every time.
i am now sitting at home.
my wife left with my little child.
my fault (i dislike the word "fault", but don't have a better one right now).. it feels strange, relieved and free, at the same time it was all very strange.
Moshe said:
Good luck, Intel. Now you can live the life you were meant to live, while the rest of the faders have to live the life of a doormat.
Yep now you can really live, you should start by finding a way to penetrate local congregations and sneak in apostate-service days on your personal holidays; you should also make regular telephone calls to their kingdom halls to engage in lengthy discussions about the overlapping generation. Make sure you put lots of fliers in their car gas tanks when they're at meetings. Otherwise you won't be really living. Yep a new exciting life of never-letting-go-nor-moving-on awaits you.
In all seriousness - glad you did what you thought was best for you. I doubt you'll be following the life of those who can't move forward. In the end, however one moves forward and progresses in life away from JW and dark age religious belief systems is always a good thing. Some become Jews - and that's cool - as long as you're not doing it just for the jokes.
Personally - I don't find it necessary to do any official DAing. I was a member of some comic book clubs as a kid and I let those lapse too. I used to take them real seriously and they had almost a realistic importance that I placed on being a member. Then I just moved on. Didn't feel a need to explain myself to my fellow comic club members or their leaders. I just didn't do it anymore - just like with the religion
Here's the way I've decided to leave in my personal retake from the movie Office Space:
PETER [this is me talking to a cute Jennifer Anniston look-a-like at a coffee bar]You see, they wrote all this religious mumbo jumbo to explain the bible and why it's relevant and why they
are the only ones that can understand it.
So I go through these thousands of hours of meetings and conventions that
repeats the same thing over and over and go around to people's homes
and uh, it doesn't really matter. I, uh, I don't like my religion nor my life in the religion. I don't
think I'm gonna go anymore.
JOANNAYou're just not gonna go?
JOANNAWon't you get ex-communicated or disfellowshipped?
PETERI don't know. But I really don't like it so I'm not gonna go.
PETERNo, no, not really. I'm just gonna stop going.
JOANNAWhen did you decide all that?
PETERAbout a week ago.
PETEROh, yeah.
JOANNAOk. So, so you're gonna get another religion?
PETERI don't think I 'd like another religion.
PETERY'know, I never really liked belieiving in nonsense and having one-way relationships in which I had to
attribute random coincidences (or worse - hallucinations) as communications from the supernatural?
So I don't think I'll worry about that
PETERI want to take you out for dinner and then I wanna go to my apartment
and watch Kung Fu. Did you ever watch Kung Fu?
Joanna gets a weird look on her face.
JOANNAI love Kung Fu...
PETERChannel 39.
PETERYou should come over and watch Kung Fu tonight.
And that folks is how I faded - worked for me! I don't see no Jennifer Aniston watching kung-fu with some
Jewish convert that can't let go of his old religion. Who's the doormat?
you should - go for it; After all what could be more inappropriate than God's justice of a rape be to make the victim marry the rapist.
most jw.s really believe that they ( as we once did ) are promoting gods will, but what if they really are ?
is it possible that god is supporting them even though they (governing body ) lie, because most jw,s are ignorant of the lies told on their behalf, ?.
when i was a jw i got attacked by the demons bigtime, but not now, and i can only assume that they (demons ) are happy that i am no longer a jw and are now leaving me alone, cant think of any other reason, has god ever supported a group who were similarly found wanting ?.
I don't know about others - but the demons left me alone once I got my ninja warrior teddy bear:
Problem Solved! Next.